People & Population

April 26, 2021

SEJ Webinar: The U.S. Climate Summit — What Comes Next?

This #SEJ2021 webinar will provide an overview of the flurry of federal climate change activity since Biden took office. Hear from leaders in business, environmental justice and the climate youth movement on what comes next, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.

May 27, 2021

DEADLINE: JSK Community Impact Fellowships

The John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships is expanding their support of journalism that serves local communities of color by offering remote Community Impact Fellowships for the 2021-22 academic year beginning in September. Open to staffers and freelancers. Includes stipend. Deadline: May 27.


Computer Mapping Could Help Biden Find And Fix Polluted Neighborhoods

"Diagnosed with asthma at 8 years old, Karlaine Francisco grew up thinking everyone had it. ...  After California began making environmental data available through an online mapping tool, Francisco and others in her Filipino immigrant community realized their chronically under-invested neighborhood Little Manila suffered high air pollution and groundwater contamination."

Source: Reuters, 04/14/2021

Flexibility in the Face of the Unexpected

When a Chicago-based freelancer was just about to hit the road to report a three-part story and TV segment on the potential impacts of two proposed copper mines in the Great Lakes basin, there was a little hitch: The COVID-19 pandemic hit. The new FEJ StoryLog has the story of how Lorraine Boissoneault found the flexibility to complete her grant-supported project.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Drought and Abundance in the Mesopotamian Marshes"

"Once vengefully drained by Saddam Hussein, the wetlands in southeastern Iraq have since been partially restored. Now the region and its isolated settlements face a new set of challenges."

"On my most recent visit to the Mesopotamian marshes, in March, I arrived at Sayeed Hitham’s for breakfast. The pandemic had kept me away for more than a year.

The sun was just rising, the sky pink and golden. Hana, Hitham’s wife, stood smiling near the door to their reed house. “Tea is ready, bread is ready,” she said. “Come on in.”

Source: NYTimes, 04/13/2021

Replacing the Nation’s Lead Lines Begins With Locating Them

One especially ambitious element of the Biden infrastructure plan would swap out millions of lead pipes. It’s a massive, costly endeavor, but could remove from the country’s water supply a neurotoxin that harms human health, especially of kids and the poor. TipSheet looks at the new plan and offers ideas for reporting the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 20, 2021 to April 23, 2021

Environment (Re)Defined

The Pulitzer Center's free virtual conference seeks to elevate underreported environmental issues by delving deeply into Pulitzer Center reporting projects, examining emerging trends in journalism and highlighting innovative approaches to collaboration. Select only the sessions you want to join.



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