People & Population

How Bangladesh's Poor Are Paying The Costs Of Climate Damage

"When Cyclone Yaas slammed into her home in southwest Bangladesh in May, destroying it and sweeping away in the floodwaters the small amount of cash she had saved, Amina Begum had few options. Efforts to recover from four previous cyclones since 2009 had depleted her resources, and her husband's death five years ago left the burden of caring for their two children solely to her."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 12/10/2021

Pro-Trump Counties Have Higher COVID Death Rates: Blame Misinformation

"Since May 2021, people living in counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump during the last presidential election have been nearly three times as likely to die from COVID-19 as those who live in areas that went for now-President Biden. That's according to a new analysis by NPR that examines how political polarization and misinformation are driving a significant share of the deaths in the pandemic."

Source: NPR, 12/07/2021

When Reporting on Toxic Hotspots, Go Deeper With Cancer Registries

As awareness grows about how pollution can cause certain cancers, it’s smart to look beyond cancer risk and also explore available information about actual cancer cases. Reporter’s Toolbox explains how extensive data collected regularly in state-level cancer “registries” can take your coverage on the pollution-public health connection to another level. Plus, avoiding pitfalls in reporting possible clusters.

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Biden Administration To Struggle With Environmental Justice in 2022

The history of environmental racism is a long one in the United States, far longer than the efforts to address the problem. But reporting on environmental justice continues to tick upwards, and an analysis in the latest Backgrounder points to promising progress, explaining why for journalists the year ahead may yield important stories, whether about future footholds or new missteps.

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January 26, 2022

New Superfund Redevelopment Mapper Tool and Training Webinar

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency launches Superfund Redevelopment Mapper, an interactive tool that provides information related to reuse and redevelopment on and near Superfund sites. This webinar will review how the tool highlights key data stakeholders need to plan for future Superfund site use. 1:00-3:00 p.m. ET.


Rural Reporter Turns Routine Permit Into Award-Winning Investigation

It was a seemingly mundane legal notice about a surface water discharge permit. But when Wyoming journalist Angus Thuermer Jr. took a closer look, he discovered that it would mean massive discharges of pollutants into local waters. Inside Story explains how Thuermer revealed the truth about the plans, prompting local protests and, ultimately, a withdrawal of the permit.

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Company Cancels Plans For $2.5 Billion Oil Terminal In Plaquemines Parish

"A Midwest energy company on Friday canceled controversial plans for a $2.5 billion oil export terminal and pipeline in Plaquemines Parish after facing numerous obstacles to development. Instead, Tallgrass Energy Partners said it will consider other uses for the site."

Source:, 11/22/2021


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