People & Population

"Trump To Cut Bears Ears National Monument By 85 Percent"

"President Trump plans to shrink Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent and reduce Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument nearly by half, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post that show the Utah sites would be cut even more than administration officials previously signaled."

Source: Washington Post, 12/04/2017

‘I’ll Never Leave This Place, And I Hope This Place Will Never Leave Me’

"Even though repeated promises of a seawall have failed to materialize, teen and Tangier’s other residents refuse to give up hope"

"Like most high school seniors, Cameron Evans is at the edge of change. He’s anxious about whether to major in photography or politics, annoyed about having to go to the dentist, animated when talking about the Yankees, his favorite team.

Source: Bay Journal, 11/30/2017

Trump To Visit Utah Monday To Announce Plans To Shrink National Monuments

"President Trump will travel to Utah on Monday to lay out his plans to cut the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, according to individuals briefed on the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it had not been formally announced."

Source: Washington Post, 11/29/2017

"Why Lost Ice Means Lost Hope for an Inuit Village"

"The only road to Rigolet, Labrador, is the ice. But climate change is making that ice vanish, and the mental health impact runs deep."

"ON SEA ICE NEAR RIGOLET, Labrador — Leaning over the handlebars with one knee up on the seat, Derrick Pottle commanded his snowmobile between rocks and sheets of gray sea ice before stopping suddenly at the mouth of a bay.

“It’s open,” Mr. Pottle said, turning off his machine. Ten yards away, the ice had cracked and opened a dark hole in the water that made it impossible to drive across the inlet.

Source: NY Times, 11/27/2017

"API Disputes African-American Health Study, Cites Genetics"

"The American Petroleum Institute, the nation's largest oil and gas trade organization, is dismissing the findings of a study on the risks facing African Americans who live near oil and gas facilities, saying that health disparities may be caused by other factors instead, including 'genetics.'"

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/21/2017

FOIA Suit, Silence on Hog Farms & Sea-Level Rise, Plus Shield Laws

A push for disclosure on hazardous air emissions from industrial hog farms, and reporting on how the coastal real estate industry works to block bad news about sea-level rise. That, plus the Bay Journal FOIAs the EPA over grant defunding, and a move in Congress towards a federal shield law, all in the latest WatchDog.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Atlantic Coast Pipeline Would Hurt Black Residents Most, NAACP Says"

"Building the Atlantic Coast Pipeline through low-income Eastern North Carolina counties would force people of color to bear more than their share of the risks posed by the nation’s power infrastructure, the NAACP said in a report released Tuesday."

Source: Raleigh News & Observer, 11/17/2017

"Will US Budget Cuts Destroy A Key Arctic Wildlife Area?"

"Bernadette Demientieff says it is a 'very scary time' for the Gwich'in indigenous nation as proposed US budget legislation would open a key section of a nearly 20-million acre wildlife refuge in the Arctic up to oil-and-gas development."

Source: Aljazeera, 11/15/2017


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