Laws & Regulations

"Rhino Horns for Sale in San Francisco's Chinatown Despite Crackdown"

"California legislators aiming to pass more stringent regulations on the sale and dissemination of ivory and rhinoceros horns received a boost last Friday when a San Francisco man pleaded guilty to selling an undercover federal agent two black rhinoceros horns for $55,000. The art dealer Lumsden Quan and Mill Valley man Edward Levine will face sentencing in December."

Source: Guardian, 08/25/2015

"U.S. EPA Proposes Methane Emission Standards for Oil And Gas Industry"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday proposed new standards to cut greenhouse gas emissions and volatile organic compounds from oil and gas facilities, a key part of a broader strategy to cut methane emissions in the sector by 40 to 45 percent below 2012 levels in the next ten years."

Source: Reuters, 08/19/2015

"The Teflon Toxin: The Case Against DuPont"

DuPont, a major U.S. chemical company, for years hid what it knew about the threats to employees and neighbors from a chemical -- perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA or C8 -- that can cause cancer and other health damage. The PFOA was used in operations of DuPont's Washington Works plant in Parkersburg, WV. Its health damage was the focus of a major class-action lawsuit.

Source: The Intercept, 08/18/2015

"U.S. Is Set to Propose Regulation to Cut Methane Emissions"

"The Obama administration is expected to propose as soon as Tuesday the first-ever federal regulation to cut emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming, by the nation’s oil and natural-gas industry, officials familiar with the plan said on Monday."

Source: NY Times, 08/18/2015


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