"Southwest Alaska Tribes Sue To Stop Donlin Gold Project"
"Three Alaska tribes are suing the federal government to halt the Donlin Gold project."
"Three Alaska tribes are suing the federal government to halt the Donlin Gold project."
"President Joe Biden on Thursday vetoed a Congressional Review Act resolution against the administration’s rule to define the Clean Water Act’s reach."
"US officials would formally gauge how their health, pollution, and workforce policies help or harm racial and ethnic minority groups, under a proposal released by the Biden administration."
"The Biden administration is on track to propose the toughest-ever US curbs on car pollution, while stopping short of an electric-vehicle mandate or ban on gas-powered models."
"The Biden administration on Thursday proposed a new regulation to significantly reduce hazardous air pollutants from chemical plants, a move that environmental advocates predicted would significantly reduce the health risks to by people living near industrial sites."
"Heelsplitters, mudbugs and ferrets are among the critters that could benefit from a bipartisan bill, the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act".
"Mexico has found unexpected allies as it tries to limit imports of genetically modified (GM) corn: some U.S. farmers who grow the crops."
"Scientists say nations must stop new oil and gas projects to avoid climate catastrophe. But after the Biden administration greenlit the $8 billion Willow project, ConocoPhillips is racing ahead."
"A Supreme Court judge backed a government move to crack down on illegal gold mining in Brazil, suspending a legal practice of buyers accepting the origin of the precious metal with paper receipts based on the "good faith" of the seller."
"Under pressure from scientists, environmentalists and lawmakers, Gov. Kathy Hochul backed off on Wednesday from a proposal to rewrite the state’s landmark climate law — an effort that her critics said would have fundamentally undermined the measure."