Laws & Regulations

Threats to Press Come in Many Forms. Some Are Violent.

Attacks of all kinds on U.S. journalists clearly hamper a free press. And environmental journalists are not spared such aggressions, especially when covering contested places like pipeline construction sites. WatchDog Opinion outlines the problem and explores how journalists might be spared from such violations, including with a prospective law explicitly protecting journalists from assault.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Legal Right to Safe Climate Goes on Trial in Montana Youth Case"

"A landmark climate trial that will reverberate in states and litigation across the US is set to begin Monday, when more than a dozen young people face off with the state of Montana at Lewis and Clark County District Court."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 06/12/2023

EPA Sued Over Pesticide-Coated Seeds’ ‘Devastating Impacts’ On US Wildlife

"Environmental groups are suing the US Environmental Protection Agency over pesticide-coated seeds they say have “devastating environmental impacts” and are spread largely without regulatory oversight."

Source: Guardian, 06/12/2023

UN Paris Meeting Presses Ahead With Binding Plastics Treaty — US Resists

"At a May-June meeting in Paris, the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) agreed to create, and submit by November, a first draft of an international plan to end plastic pollution by 2040. The United States declined to join the 58-nation “High Ambition Coalition” to create a legally-binding cradle-to-grave plan to address plastic production and use."

Source: Mongabay, 06/12/2023

"States Sue DuPont, 3M in Search of Funds for PFAS Cleanup Costs"

"States facing mounting costs over the cleanup of “forever chemicals” have directed their attention at chemical manufacturers, with a flurry of lawsuits coming as the companies reach large settlements over similar pollution claims."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 06/12/2023

"The Revolving Door At Public Utilities Commissions? It’s Alive And Well"

"If the words “public utilities commission” put you to sleep, you’re not alone. These are the government agencies that regulate utilities — companies that supply us with electricity, gas, water and more. All 50 states have them — and as boring as they sound, their work affects our daily lives."

Source: LA Times, 06/09/2023

"Virginia Panel Votes To Exit Carbon Trading Market"

"A Virginia regulatory board on Wednesday voted to withdraw the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI, fulfilling a directive from Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin but triggering the threat of legal action from environmental groups who say the board overstepped its authority."

Source: Washington Post, 06/08/2023


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