Natural Resources

Pollution Is Significant in National Parks

Both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (primarily from combustion sources) and pesticides are pervasive in 8 diverse US national parks, according to two Environmental Science & Technology studies by international teams of university and government agency researchers.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"While Media Is Sandbagged, Is Sand Dumped Over Oil on Grand Isle?"

Clean-looking sand is being dumped on the beaches of Grand Isle, and some of it is layered over asphalt-like oil residue, according to several reports based on photo and video documentation. But whether this is being done to fortify beaches or to hide oilspill damage is impossible to say -- because of a BP-Coast Guard media blackout threatening $40,000 fines to anyone who tries to get close enough to tell.

Source: Huffington Post, 07/02/2010
July 20, 2010

Modernizing the NEPA Process in the Context of the Gulf Disaster

At this Environmental Law Institute event, a panel will briefly outline the NEPA processes surrounding approval of drilling for oil in the BP/Deepwater Horizon incident and then discuss the role of so-called "categorical exclusions."



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