Natural Resources

Nonfederal Rangeland Often in Poor Shape

USDA and USGS researchers found about one of every five acres of rangelands in 17 western states, as well as portions of Louisiana and Florida, has some degree of degradation of at least one factor (soil and site stability, hydrologic integrity, and biotic integrity).

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Arizona Rethinking Open Range Laws"

"Free-range cattle roam widely across the West, protected by centuries-old laws that give them the right of way while grazing and force landowners to fence them out. But as urban sprawl has extended into what used to be seemingly endless pasture land, cow-friendly open range laws are under fresh scrutiny, criticized as anachronistic throwbacks to the Wild West days before Interstate highways and tract homes."

Source: NYTimes, 10/13/2010
October 28, 2010

GHG Reporting Rule So Far: Lessons Learned and Changes to Consider

This seminar looks at the implementation of the reporting rule as we near the end of 2010, and the issues that will likely arise as the first reporting deadline in March 2011 draws near. The seminar will also explore the recent proposed and final amendments to the rule, particularly regarding confidentiality of reported information.


"White House Establishes Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force"

"President Barack Obama issued an executive order today establishing the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, aimed at coordinating planning and information exchange between the federal government and coastal interests as restoration efforts following the oil spill begin."

Source: Mobile Press-Register, 10/07/2010
November 16, 2010

Free Webinar: Covering the Green Economy — The Future of Energy

Learn at your desk with a free Webinar; instruction by Angel Gonzalez, Houston bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires.



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