Natural Resources

July 9, 2024

GIJN Webinar: How Latin America Connects to Your Story

This Global Investigative Journalism Network webinar is on investigations into intricate webs of misconduct that start in Latin America but impact communities around the world. Explore the region’s global reach of illicit money, deforestation, illegal mining, drug trafficking and environmental destruction. 11:00 ET.


"Supreme Court Could Curb NEPA Reviews Next Term"

"The Supreme Court opened the door Monday to setting new limits for how agencies account for climate and environmental risks for new projects." "The case follows the court’s recent trend of picking up controversial environmental issues."

Source: E&E News, 06/26/2024

Underfunded NYC Parks Dept. Losing Fight Against Invasives, Disrepair, Climate

"Mayor Adams’ proposed budget cuts may place an outsized burden on park conservancies and small volunteer groups. With less than 1 percent of the city budget spent on parks, they’re finding it harder and harder to keep up."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/25/2024

Florida Reefs Are In Trouble. Is The Answer Coral From The Caribbean?

"Off the northern coast of Honduras, thick stands of endangered elkhorn coral have mysteriously defied warming oceans fueled by climate change to blanket the reef with healthy, cocoa-brown colonies branching toward the water’s surface like antlers."

Source: NPR, 06/24/2024


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