Natural Resources

Refinery Proposed Next To Theodore Roosevelt Natl. Park Raises Concerns

"While falling oil prices have slowed production from North Dakota's oil and natural gas fields, a company sees that lull as the perfect opportunity to build a crude oil refinery in the state. However, its proposed location just three miles from Theodore Roosevelt National Park has raised concerns from the National Park Service and conservation groups about how it will impact the park."

Source: National Parks Traveler, 04/19/2016

"Living With Less Snow In The West"

"Among firs and cedars high in the Sierra Nevada, scientists are using an array of instruments to monitor the health of the forest, measure the snowpack and track the water that melts and seeps into the soil. As they collect data, they’re taking snapshots of a landscape in the midst of major changes."

Source: Palm Springs Desert Sun, 04/15/2016

"Blankenship Gets Maximum Sentence: One Year In Prison, $250,000 Fine"

"Former Massey Energy Co. CEO Don Blankenship, who rose from humble beginnings in Mingo County to become the wealthy and powerful chief executive of one of the region’s largest coal producers, will serve one year in prison and pay a $250,000 fine for a mine safety criminal conspiracy, a judge decided Wednesday."

Source: Charleston Gazette-Mail, 04/07/2016

Did Park Service Overlook Court Rulings on Wildlife at Grand Teton?

"A National Park Service decision that gave Wyoming officials control over wildlife management on private and state lands within Grand Teton National Park seems to have sidestepped historic negotiations that led to today's Grand Teton National Park, as well as longstanding court rulings that have upheld the Park Service's authority to manage all wildlife within a park, even on non-federal lands."

Source: National Parks Traveler, 04/04/2016

"Supreme Court Sympathetic To Property Owner In Wetlands Dispute"

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared likely to rule that property owners can challenge the federal government in court over the need for permits under a national water protection law in a case involving a company's plans for a Minnesota peat mine."

Source: Reuters, 03/31/2016


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