Natural Resources

Interior Works Covert Land Swap To Allow Road Through AK Wildlife Refuge

"The Interior Department is preparing to set aside a decades-old ban on development in federally protected wilderness areas by pursuing a controversial proposal to build a nearly 12-mile road through a wildlife refuge in ­Alaska.

Source: Washington Post, 10/16/2017

Louisiana’s Sinking Parishes Sue Fossil Fuel Firms Over Climate Damage

"Several Louisiana parishes—the equivalent of counties in other states—have filed lawsuits alleging hundreds of fossil fuel companies violated their coastal use permits by failing to clean up pollution and by failing to restore the marsh wetlands to their original condition. The suits seek to recover “damages, restoration costs and actual restoration.”"

Source: Climate Liability News, 10/11/2017

Dam Safety Issues at Forefront Following Hurricane Flooding

The threat of failing dams can prompt worries over lost lives and property, as witness hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. But dam failure is a problem environmental journalists can get ahead of, and the latest TipSheet helps you get ready — with questions to ask, sources to pursue and resources to bone up on. Plus, more hurricane coverage resources.

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"Interior Department to Overhaul Obama’s Sage Grouse Protection Plan"

"The Trump administration will seek to reconsider an Obama-era blueprint for protecting the greater sage grouse, a move that could lead to new mineral leasing, grazing and other commercial activities across the quirky bird’s Western habitat."

Source: NY Times, 09/29/2017


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