Natural Resources

Interior To Rely On Staff With Less Training For Park Law Enforcement

"The Interior Department is looking to increase its reliance on seasonal National Park Service (NPS) staffers who have received less training than their full-time counterparts in order to cut costs, according to a new report."

Source: The Hill, 02/25/2019

"Crisis on the Colorado"

"As the Southwest faces rapid growth and unrelenting drought, the Colorado River is in crisis, with too many demands on its diminishing flow. Now those who depend on the river must confront the hard reality that their supply of Colorado water may be cut off."

Jim Robbins reports, with photography by Ted Wood, in a 5-part series for Yale Environment 360 January 14, 2019.


Source: , 02/25/2019

Arctic Bogs: Another Global Warming Risk Could Spiral Out of Control

"As warming brings earlier spring rains in the Arctic, more permafrost thaws, releasing more methane in a difficult-to-stop feedback loop, research shows."

"Increasing spring rains in the Arctic could double the increase in methane emissions from the region by hastening the rate of thawing in permafrost, new research suggests.

Source: InsideClimate News, 02/22/2019

"Thousands of Protests Submitted Against New Mexico Oil Sale"

"Thousands of protests have been lodged with U.S. land managers in opposition of next month’s oil and natural gas lease sale despite a decision to remove from the offering several parcels near a national park in northwestern New Mexico."

Source: AP, 02/21/2019

Complaint: Interior Filled With Ex-Lobbyists Cozy with Former Employers

"Only a few short weeks after President Donald Trump nominated David Bernhardt, a former oil and agriculture industry lobbyist, to run the Interior Department, the agency is facing a slew of new allegations that top officials violated federal ethics rules by keeping cozy ties to their former employers."

Source: The Intercept, 02/21/2019


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