Natural Resources

Ants Can Be Better Than Pesticides For Growing Healthy Crops: Study

"Ants can be more effective than pesticides at helping farmers produce food, according to new research. They are better at killing pests, reducing plant damage and increasing crop yields, according to the first systematic review of ants’ contributions to crop production."

Source: Guardian, 08/18/2022

Endangered Sea Turtles Found On La. Island Could Help Its Restoration

"Sea turtle hatchlings have been spotted for the first time in at least 75 years on Louisiana’s Chandeleur Islands, state officials announced Wednesday, and the hatchlings turned out to be young versions of Kemp's ridley turtles, the most endangered of five species found in the Gulf of Mexico."

Source:, 08/18/2022

Army Corps Opens Lengthy Environmental Review Of Line 5 Tunnel For Comment

"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Monday opened a two-month window for the public to comment on a plan to dig a tunnel beneath the Straits of Mackinac to house Enbridge's controversial Line 5 oil pipeline."

Source: Detroit News, 08/16/2022


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