Journalism & Media

July 19, 2023

AHCJ Webinar: Cancer News — Balancing Fear, Hype and Reality

At this Association of Health Care Journalists webinar, experts will suggest approaches to putting the latest U.S. Preventive Services Task Force screening recommendations in context while eliminating hype and not creating false hope. 2:00 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 14, 2023

AHCJ Webinar: How Journalists Can Put ChatGPT to Good Use

In this Association of Health Care Journalists webinar, Alex Mahadevan, director of the Poynter Institute's MediaWise digital media literacy program, will take ChatGPT for a spin, discuss what he's learned about the new technology and answer your questions. 1:00 p.m. ET.

July 28, 2023

DEADLINE: Poynter and Google News Initiative Misinformation Student Fellowship Program

Fellows will work in local newsrooms Sept-Dec on projects aimed at curbing the spread of misinformation and promoting digital literacy at the community level and among the younger generation. Includes a $10,000 stipend and training. Apply by Jul 28, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 17, 2023

DEADLINE: Solutions Journalism Network's Journalists of Color Fellowship

This nine-month fellowship, Sep 6, 2023-May 31, 2024, is for ten mid-career U.S. based journalists who are interested in editorial management. This is specifically designed to support journalists of color, with at least five years of experience, who want to move into their first journalism leadership role. $6,500 stipend. Apply by Jul 17.

Topics on the Beat: 
July 13, 2023

ICFJ Webinar: Threads for Journalists, Mathematics Solutions for Crises

ICFJ's second math webinar features mathematician and AI entrepreneur Dr. África Periáñez, on how math helps solve global crises, plus a discussion on how journalists can use Instagram's new app Threads. At the end of the series, participants are eligible for a USD500 story grant. 10:30am ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

‘Orange’ Is the New Data — for Wildfire Smoke

The U.S. air quality alert scale is showing a lot of unhealthy colors this season, from oranges up to unhealthy reds and purples or worse, as smoke from wildfires in Canada periodically drifts across various U.S. regions. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox explores a key database and other resources to help journalists report on the spread of smoky air.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Why Nobelists Are Joining the Fight Against Disinformation’s Dangers

A recent gathering of Nobel laureates in Washington, D.C., including Filipina journalist Maria Ressa (pictured, left), highlighted the growing risks of disinformation — including on efforts to combat climate change — but also the rising sense of hope that comes from those who pledge to stand up to its challenge. This month’s WatchDog Opinion column shares a perspective from the event.

SEJ Publication Types: 
July 21, 2023

DEADLINE: Columbia University's Age Boom Academy 2023

Run in partnership with the Columbia Journalism School, the 2023 Age Boom Academy will cover the topic of America's Housing Crisis and Our Longer Lives. Journalists may apply to become a fellow for this intensive, multi-session, online workshop taking place in October 2023. Deadline: Jul 21.



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