Journalism & Media

"A Guide To Electric Car Misinformation (Part 2)"

"Financially-motivated EV misinformation comes from both sides of the aisle (the lane?). Industries that see EVs as a threat exaggerate their harms in a bid to get you to hate EVs. And industries that profit from EVs greenwash their benefits in a bid to get you to love EVs."

Source: HEATED, 04/04/2024
April 20, 2024 to April 22, 2024

Cinema Verde International Environmental Film and Arts Festival

Cinema Verde will hold its 15th Annual Environmental Film and Arts Festival as a hybrid event, with 75 films in total, 35 of which will be screened in person at Cypress and Grove Brewing Co. in Gainesville, Florida in celebration of Earth Day.

Topics on the Beat: 

Scientists And Activists Are Being Censored Over Water Woes In Guadeloupe

"U.N. independent experts are denouncing chronic water cuts in the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, adding that they are concerned about tap water pollution, excessive prices and attempts to silence critics."

Source: AP, 04/02/2024

Courage and Caring — Documentary Celebrates Environmental Icon Stewart Udall

While the name of Stewart Udall, U.S. interior secretary through the tumultuous 1960s, may have faded from public memory, his influence on environmental policies is still felt today. Contributor Francesca Lyman shines the spotlight on a new documentary about Udall and his legacy, and talks with director John de Graaf about Udall’s insights and inspiration.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Solar Power, the Community Way

The energy transition imperative to move from fossil fuels toward renewable energies could leave out individual homeowners unable to install rooftop solar. But as the latest TipSheet points out, there’s an alternative: community solar. Good local reporting is needed to demystify it though. The backstory, plus more than a dozen story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 6, 2024

#SEJ2024 Closing Plenary: Battling Disinformation, Fending Off Despair and Staying Relevant — What’s the Future for Environmental Journalism?

Join the livestream of the #SEJ2024 closing plenary exploring hoiw to combat the ever-present climate disinformation and consider evolving views on journalistic objectivity. We’ll consider how to cope with the feeling of despair, and at how some journalists and outlets have created new business models to fund their journalism. 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET.

April 5, 2024

#SEJ2024 Opening Plenary: Election 2024 — How Will Climate Change Matter?

Join the livestream of the #SEJ2024 opening plenary on how the 2024 election is likely to dominate coverage across local, regional and national newsrooms. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. ET.


#SEJ2024 LIVE: On-the-Ground Coverage from Reporters in Our Inaugural Student Newsroom

As part of a new initiative for the Society of Environmental Journalists' 2024 annual conference in Philadelphia, PA, from April 3-7, the SEJ Publications team has organized an inaugural student newsroom to provide running coverage throughout the conference and beyond.

Numerous sessions and workshops touched on issues ranging from climate, war and migration to sustainable foods, just transitions and watershed solutions, with viewpoints from luminary scientists and top government officials, plus experts, activists and leading environment reporters. Explore on-the-spot writeups and images from our student reporters.

SEJ Sessions and Workshops: Climate Disinformation | Environmental Consequences of War | Climate Migration Reporting | Rural Reporting | Sustainable Food Systems | Whistleblower Stories | Just Transition for Oil Towns | Watersheds | More

Plus, hundreds of attendees crisscrossed the region on a series of day-long tours, with our student reporters going along for the ride. On-the-scene reporting and images from our student newsroom:

SEJ Tours: From Farmbelt to Pinelands | Revolutionary Raptors | Climate Challenges on Delaware Bayshore | Gap Over Future of Delaware Water Gap | Delaware's ‘Holy Trinity’

Also see’s multimedia coverage, including audio recordings of most conference sessions and videos of the plenary sessions. And view other #SEJ2024 resources, like Instagram highlights and coverage stories.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Chevron Owns This City’s News Site. Many Stories Aren’t Told."

"The oil and gas company-owned Richmond Standard tells mostly positive stories about the major industry that dominates this California city and its skyline."

Source: Floodlight/NPR, 03/29/2024


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