Journalism & Media

"Coke and Pepsi Give Millions to Public Health, Then Lobby Against It"

"The beverage giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have given millions of dollars to nearly 100 prominent health groups in recent years, while simultaneously spending millions to defeat public health legislation that would reduce Americans’ soda intake, according to public health researchers."

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2016

On Climate, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, We’re "In A Race Against Time"

"Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe 'we’re really in a race against time' to curb the worst affects of climate change."

Source: Wash Post, 10/04/2016

"Close-Hold Embargos" Control Journalists at FDA, Other Agencies

Should a federal agency be able to tell a science reporter whom they can — and can't — interview? The issue exploded in September with publication of a deeply reported piece on the "close-hold embargo" by Scientific American. Photo: ©

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$90B Whistleblower Suit Filed Against Four Major Chemical Companies

"Four of the country's largest chemical companies have been accused of selling billions of dollars worth of harmful isocyanate chemicals but intentionally concealing their dangers to consumers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the past several decades."

Source: EcoWatch, 09/19/2016


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