Journalism & Media

Air Conditioner HFCs Are on the Way Out — The Kigali Amendment Explained

For the first time in years, the United States has ratified a climate change-related treaty — one that phases out HFCs, the greenhouse gas widely used as a refrigerant. That leaves environmental reporters to report how the change will affect everyday objects like ACs, refrigerators and cars. TipSheet has the backstory on the Kigali Amendment, along with story ideas and reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Experts Decry ‘Funny Math’ Of Plastic Industry ‘Advanced Recycling’ Claims

"Environmental experts say there’s a strong possibility that a federal bill will be introduced in the U.S. that seeks to strengthen an industry known as “advanced recycling,” or “chemical recycling.” While proponents of advanced recycling tout it as a solution to the ever-growing plastic pollution issue, critics say that it’s not recycling at all, but a highly polluting incineration process that converts plastic into fuel."

Source: Mongabay, 09/30/2022

#SEJSpotlight: Zoya Teirstein, Climate Reporter, Grist

Meet SEJ member Zoya Teirstein! Zoya is a staff writer for Grist covering the intersection of public health and climate change, and the politics of climate change. Zoya's reporting can also be found in Wired, Slate, HuffPost, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone and other outlets.


SEJ's Fund for Environmental Journalism Awards $47,342 To Support Stories on U.S. Public Lands

Oct 5, 2022 — The Fund for Environmental Journalism has awarded $47,342 for 12 projects selected through the 2022 round of competition for stories on U.S. public lands (lands owned and/or managed by federal, state, local or tribal governments).

October 6, 2022

Webinar: Covering Indigenous Land Rights and Extractive Industry Impacts

In Mongabay's latest webinar, expert panelists will discuss Indigenous peoples and land rights, extractive industry impacts such as mining, oil and gas, among others, and the complexities, challenges and questions journalists often face when covering these topics. 7:00 p.m. ET.


Open Data Is Still Important at the EPA — and Worth Updating

Solid data can fuel great journalism. But the data must come from somewhere. For environmental reporters, one critical source is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Access to its data, however, is not always as free as journalists would like. So a new WatchDog takes an (admittedly geeky) look at the agency’s open data plan to clarify its efforts to promote access.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Outfit Your News Kit With Disaster Resilience Resources

Extreme weather and other natural disasters can bring a community to its knees. But journalists can be part of what gets it standing again — or even foresee the risk … if they’ve got the right resources. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox takes a close look at two federal products that could be a good starting point, along with several others worth a try.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 28, 2022

Media Briefing: Going Beyond Carbon – Community Impact of High-Quality Offset Projects

This online media briefing is moderated by Nick Nuttall, formerly of UNEP and UNFCCC. Learn about and discuss with global climate leaders how high-quality carbon credits provide benefits beyond emissions reductions – including biodiversity and habitat conservation, improved health and livelihoods, and more. 10am ET.

September 28, 2022

SEJ Webinar: Covering Climate Solutions — Indigenous Communities and Nature-Based Approaches

SEJ's Sep 28, 2022 webinar was a discussion on how Indigenous peoples practiced "sustainable management" efforts long before modern society began talking about conservation, environmental protection or climate change and how their voices can greatly enrich environmental reporting — while enhancing the health of both people and ecosystems. Missed it? Watch the recording.

October 20, 2022 to October 21, 2022

IRE DBEI Symposium

Investigative Reporters and Editors' second-annual online symposium, over two half days, will focus on diversity, belonging, equity and inclusion (DBEI) issues for newsrooms. Fellowships available; apply by Sep 23. SEJ is hosting a panel, "The work of environmental journalists of color in reframing the beat," on Oct 21.

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