
Cement Kiln Rule Proposal Possible in March

EPA proposes a new rule addressing emissions of toxic chemicals from kilns that are fueled by coal or other typical fuels, or allegedly nonhazardous waste. You'll find this, as well as other environmental story ideas, in the latest issue of TipSheet.
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262 Groups Urge Congress To Protect Whistleblowers

A coalition of 262 citizen groups from many walks of life urge the new Congress to pass legislation ending the widespread practice of government retaliation against federal employees who reveal government waste, fraud, and abuse.
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Perchlorates Offer Early Test of EPA Openness

Incoming EPA administrator Lisa Jackson faces an immediate test on perchlorate secrecy, as the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia rejects EPA's argument for FOIA exemption. Will EPA and the Justice Department appeal, even though Obama urges agency openness?
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