
SEJournal Spring 2000, Vol. 10 No. 1

In this issue: Smog lingers over Houston–media muddle Bush's record as air progress slows; Green space may calm and cool us; Journalists probe environmental justice issues; Land use in the West; The award-winning beryllium story; Montana mine's toxic legacy; Tracking campaign cash; What was behind EPA blackout? and more. Download the PDF here.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Nation's Energy Future Holds Promise for E-Journalists

SEJ's annual conference helps reporters understand complex subjects like coal, nuclear power and climate change — and the Obama administration's stance thereon. SEJ President Christy George explains.

SEJ Publication Types: 

2003 Archives: SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues

November 12, 2003
SEJ letter re: withdrawal of web access to Congressional Research Service reports

The SEJ Freedom of Information Task Force wrote letters today to congressmen Christopher Shays (R-CT) and Mark Green (R-WI) protesting the withdrawal of web access to Congressional Research Service reports.


2004 Archives: SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues

September 10, 2004
SEJ opposes rider with new FOIA exemption for satellite data and studies on Earth resources

The Society of Environmental Journalists joined other journalism groups September 10, 2004, urging Congressional leaders to strip a new FOIA exemption for certain satellite data on the Earth's resources from the 2005 Defense Authorization Bill (S 2400).



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