
Environmental Journalists, Idling in Idaho

With the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 32nd annual conference in Boise now behind us, humorist David Helvarg offers a sharp-witted, albeit affectionate, skewering of the five-day gathering, everything from the host state’s politics to the innumerable sessions and the final blowout party. Prepare for punnage. Plus, check out the evolving multimedia coverage of the event, and watch for session audio recordings to come.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Funding Initiative May Help Surface Overlooked Environmental Justice Stories

A new government-organized network of environmental justice assistance centers may not only assist the community groups applying for billions in federal funds but could also help point environmental journalists toward undercovered stories on the beat. The latest TipSheet explains how the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency initiative will work and how to locate the centers for your reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Last Earth Day, Wynn Bruce Set Himself on Fire Outside the Supreme Court"

"Some saw my former student’s actions as a climate protest. As I examined the years leading up to his death, I found his grief for our planet was undeniable."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/24/2023

"Biden to Create White House Office of Environmental Justice"

"President Biden on Friday plans to announce the creation of a White House Office of Environmental Justice, one of several actions to address the unequal burden that people of color carry from environmental hazards, according to the White House."

Source: NYTimes, 04/21/2023

Public Lands Face New Challenges in Today’s Energy, Climate Landscape

The debate over drilling on public lands goes back decades. But now our view of how — or even whether — to use public lands faces the unprecedented reality of climate change, fire, drought, floods and the transition to clean energy. The latest Backgrounder explains how we got here and where the current battles rage, including over the Alaskan North Slope’s massive Willow Project.

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