
Coast Guard Spill Database Rendered Almost Useless for Reporters

There used to be a searchable, online database of oil and chemical spill reports that reporters could turn to in an emergency to get insight into important breaking news. But ham-handed security efforts have sabotaged the public's right to know. Right now, emergency responders are working on a spill of a cancer-causing fuel additive known as MTBE. But news reporters probably couldn't get much if any helpful information from the database today (we checked).

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FOIA-Strengthening Bills Come Back to Life in House and Senate

A bill to strengthen the Freedom of Information Act awaits Senate floor action. But the Obama administration, which once pledged to be the most open in history, has so far been strangely silent. Crickets. "Worries from the agencies are whispered into lawmakers' ears," wrote E&E Publishing's Kevin Bogardus.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Group Wants Probe of Whether Fla. Banned Climate-Change Talk"

"Did Florida Gov. Rick Scott's administration ban state environmental scientists from using the terms 'climate change' and 'global warming' in their work? ... Now, an environmental group is asking for a state investigation to get to the bottom of it."

Source: AP, 03/11/2015


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