
April 23, 2019 to April 24, 2019

Conference on EPA and the Future of Environmental Protection

As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 50th anniversary approaches, this conference at American University in Washington, DC will consider EPA's role in leading the nation and the world in meeting future environmental challenges. Attend in person or by live streaming.


Where Does All That Recycling Go?

Where do all those recyclables actually go? This week’s TipSheet dives into the trash to find a story worth telling — of troubling overseas dumping, problematic local incineration and a fraying patchwork of U.S. regulation. Plus, several dozen questions you might want to ask, a pair of pro tips and a dozen resources to track the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Wheeler, Who Continued Environmental Rollbacks, Confirmed to Lead EPA

"The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider."

Source: NY Times, 03/01/2019

"EPA Regulator Skirts The Line Between Former Clients And Current Job"

"Less than a month into his tenure as the top air-policy official at the Environmental Protection Agency, Bill Wehrum hopped into the EPA’s electric Chevy Volt and rode to the Pennsylvania Avenue offices of his former law firm."

Source: Washington Post, 02/26/2019


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