
August 4, 2009 to August 8, 2009

First World Congress of Environmental History

Topics include global change, renewable energy, water resources, forest management, biodiversity, agriculture, traditional knowledge and environmental justice.

Top 10 Endangered Southern Areas

The Southern Environmental Law Center's top 10 places in America's South that face "immediate, potentially irreparable threats in 2009" represent a cross-section of the major environmental issues facing these states.
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Energy Company Applying for Major "Incidental Take" Permit

A Fortune 500 energy company is applying for an "incidental take" permit that would allow it to kill endangered and threatened species that live on the largest swath of land ever covered by one permit.
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Wide Range of Environmental Issues Before Supreme Court

US Supreme Court to hear six cases with important environmental implications. Issues involved are: use of sonar in Naval training; logging in California; power plant operation; disposal of mining wastes; royalties paid to the Navajo Nation on coal leases; and liability under Superfund law.
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