
"An Oregon Bill to Cut Millions in Timber Taxes Is Dead, Despite Backing"

"The legislation aimed to reformulate how Oregon funds the rising costs of fighting wildfires. It sparked debate within the Democratic-controlled Legislature about who should pay: taxpayers or big timber owners, who won steep tax cuts in the 1990s."

Source: ProPublica, 03/19/2024

Photographing Vernal Pools, ‘Another Universe’ in Your Backyard

Vernal pools — small, ephemeral forest wetlands — may appear humble, but these complex, keystone ecosystems have an outsized ecological role. So when photographer Tristan Spinski set out to deconstruct them by season, species and life-cycle stage, he captured extraordinary moments above and below the water’s surface. Spinski shared his journey with EJ InSight editor Andrew Cullen, along with some nature photography strategies even for those without impressive gear. Plus, view his images.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Spring Is Getting Earlier. Find Out How It’s Changed In Your Town."

"As global warming nudges temperatures higher, memories of the past offer an informal account of how the seasons have changed. A formal account comes from the USA National Phenology Network — phenology is the study of seasonal change — which reports the annual appearance of spring’s first leaves in the contiguous United States since 1981."

Source: Washington Post, 03/14/2024

Six Ways To Cover the Environmental Impacts of Animal Agriculture

Animal agriculture is a massive industry with a vast environmental footprint, so there are plenty of reporting opportunities for journalists on the “eat beat.” In the second of two parts, following last week’s examination of diet-related greenhouse gas emissions, food-and-climate journalist Jenny Splitter serves up a variety of story ideas and information sources, plus some thoughts on solutions journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"As Flooding Increases on the Mississippi, Forests Are Drowning"

"Ever-worsening floods are killing trees at an increasing rate along the upper Mississippi River, and invasive grasses are taking over. The Army Corps of Engineers has launched a project to restore forest and boost tree diversity, and to improve habitat for fish and birds, too."

Source: YaleE360, 03/08/2024


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