Environmental Politics

"Behind the Furor Over a Climate Change Skeptic"

Alan Carlin, a 72-year-old analyst and economist made a splash in June with his contrarian views on global warming. He -- and conservative commentators and Congressional Repuplicans -- claimed EPA had muzzled him. But documents disclosed in response to a FOIA request show that scientists challenged his views, that his scholarship was shoddy, that he had no academic qualifications on climate, and that he was free to talk to the press.
Source: NYTimes, 09/25/2009

Leaked memo: California could face major lawsuits if Schwarzenegger closes state parks

California taxpayers could be on the hook for millions of dollars in damages if the Schwarzenegger administration moves ahead with plans to close as many as 100 state parks, according to an internal memo drafted by the state parks department's attorneys.
Source: San Jose Mercury News, 09/19/2009


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