Environmental Health

EPA Database Illuminates Ecological Effects of Toxics

Environmental journalists who want to explore the impacts of toxic substances on wildlife, fish, and plants can get help from a little-known EPA database. Online and searchable, ECOTOX has gotten better over the years, making it useful for reporters as well as scientists.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"How Industrial Agriculture Has Thwarted Factory Farm Reforms"

"In an interview with Yale Environment 360, Robert Martin, co-author of a recent study on industrial farm animal production, explains how a powerful and intransigent agriculture lobby has successfully fought off attempts to reduce the harmful environmental and health impacts of mass livestock production."

Source: Yale Environment 360, 11/22/2013

"Organic Farmers Bash FDA Restrictions On Manure Use"

"Many organic farmers are hopping mad right now at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and their reason involves perhaps the most under-appreciated part of agriculture: plant food, aka fertilizer. Specifically, the FDA, as part of its of food safety regulations, wants to limit the use of animal manure."

Source: NPR, 11/21/2013


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