Environmental Health

"Redfin Adds Air Quality Scores To Listings As Climate Concerns Rise"

"After a year of record-breaking air pollution from wildfire smoke, real estate brokerage Redfin has begun publishing air quality data in its home listings. Now, buyers can see how many days a year on average a particular area will experience poor air quality, and whether that number is projected to increase over time."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2024

Biden EPA Expands Funds For Sewers In Underserved Communities

"The Biden administration is expanding its efforts to help underserved communities get access to sewage infrastructure. The administration said Tuesday it would expand a pilot initiative to 150 additional communities, up from 11 at its start, to help them get access to federal wastewater funds."

Source: The Hill, 02/14/2024

"EPA Again OKs Use Of Toxic Herbicide Linked To Parkinson’s Disease"

"The US Environmental Protection Agency is doubling down on its controversial finding that a toxic herbicide is safe for use across millions of acres of American cropland, despite what public health advocates characterize as virtual “scientific proof” the product causes Parkinson’s disease."

Source: Guardian, 02/13/2024

EPA Reports “Widespread Noncompliance” With Regulations on Toxic Coal Ash

"A glaring loophole already had allowed at least a half-billion tons of the waste to go unregulated. Now the agency says many of the facilities that are subject to the rules do not comply."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/09/2024


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