Environmental Health

"Living With Less Snow In The West"

"Among firs and cedars high in the Sierra Nevada, scientists are using an array of instruments to monitor the health of the forest, measure the snowpack and track the water that melts and seeps into the soil. As they collect data, they’re taking snapshots of a landscape in the midst of major changes."

Source: Palm Springs Desert Sun, 04/15/2016

Confirmation That Zika Causes Microcephaly Shifts Debate To Prevention

"After several weeks of study and debate, U.S. health officials concluded that infection with the Zika virus during pregnancy causes the birth defect microcephaly, a finding that experts hope will refocus attention on efforts to stop infections and prompt U.S. lawmakers to fund emergency prevention efforts."

Source: Reuters, 04/14/2016

"Researchers: Lag In Water Use Slows Flint Recovery"

"Flint residents aren’t using enough water to pull necessary chemical treatments through the city’s system, hindering efforts to get water up to safety standards in a community where residents are afraid to use their taps and loathe to pay for what comes out of them.

Although the past six months have produced improvements, recent testing by Virginia Tech researchers, including expert Marc Edwards, shows contamination still at problem levels.

Source: Detroit Free Press, 04/13/2016


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