Environmental Health

"Environmental Justice Advocates Slam Supreme Court Ruling"

"The Supreme Court decision to limit how the Environmental Protection Agency regulates carbon dioxide emissions from power plants could make an already grave situation worse for those affected most by climate change and air pollution, advocates say."

Source: AP, 07/05/2022

Shredded Trees, Dead Dolphins And Wildfires — How War Hurts Nature

"When the fighter jet crashed into these northwestern Ukrainian woods, killing its 27-year-old pilot, splintering trees and spewing fuel, it tore a gash in the forest canopy. Then it exploded. The wildfire that followed charred trees and earth, threatening two nearby villages."

Source: NPR, 07/05/2022

Mich. Court Rules Grand Jury Improperly Indicted Officials In Flint Case

"Michigan’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the indictment of former Gov. Rick Snyder (R) and several other officials in connection with the contamination of water in Flint was improper because the grand jury consisted of a single judge."

Source: The Hill, 06/29/2022

Enviros Hope New Law Will Clean Up Wastewater Nutrient Pollution in Md.

"The Chesapeake Bay Program reported on Wednesday that Maryland’s wastewater treatment facilities, operating in violation of discharge permits, contributed significant increases in nitrogen and phosphorus pollution last year in the bay."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/28/2022

Gas Piped Into Homes Contains Benzene, Other Risky Chemicals: Study

"The natural gas delivered to homes contains low concentrations of several chemicals linked to cancer, a new study found. Researchers also found inconsistent levels of odorants — substances that give natural gas its characteristic “rotten egg” smell — which could increase the risk of small leaks going undetected."

Source: NYTimes, 06/28/2022


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