Environmental Health

"Many California Hospitals Are Near Wildfire Danger Zones, Study Says"

"Wildfires regularly sweep through California, destroying forests and threatening homes. But a recent study shows an unexpected danger of the fires: They can shut down, or prevent access to, hospitals and other inpatient facilities."

Source: Washington Post, 05/02/2023

Environmental Journalists, Idling in Idaho

With the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 32nd annual conference in Boise now behind us, humorist David Helvarg offers a sharp-witted, albeit affectionate, skewering of the five-day gathering, everything from the host state’s politics to the innumerable sessions and the final blowout party. Prepare for punnage. Plus, check out the evolving multimedia coverage of the event, and watch for session audio recordings to come.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Reporting on the Amazon Rainforest Highlights Accelerating Destruction

A prize-winning feature from the frontlines of the Amazon rainforest drew accolades in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ most recent awards contest. Judges said the “deeply reported account explains history and present-day politics through the lens of people whose voices are rarely heard in U.S. media.” Bloomberg investigative reporter Jessica Brice shares insights from the joint project, in the latest Inside Story Q&A.

SEJ Publication Types: 

EPA and Texas Ignored Warnings at Chemical Site. Then an Inferno Erupted.

"Regulators repeatedly documented — but did little to address — problems at a Houston-area tank farm before a disastrous fire struck in March 2019. The fire released toxic chemicals into nearby communities for weeks."

Source: Public Health Watch, 04/28/2023

Ex-Federal Officials Slam WHO For Misleading Guidance On ‘Forever Chemicals’

"The World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft drinking water guidelines for “forever chemicals” disregard best available science and require extensive revisions, two former federal officials argued in a new position paper."

Source: The Hill, 04/27/2023

Canada Oil Sands Leak Heightens First Nations' Calls To Clean Up Tailings

"In early February, Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in northern Alberta started fielding calls from community members after the provincial regulator revealed toxic wastewater had been leaking for months from a tailings pond at Imperial Oil's Kearl oil sands mine."

Source: Reuters, 04/27/2023

"In the Game of Musical Mines, Environmental Damage Takes a Back Seat"

"Jeff Hoops built Blackjewel into the nation’s sixth largest coal company by acquiring bankrupt mines. When it declared bankruptcy, he pivoted to other ventures, leaving polluted streams and mud-shrouded roads in his wake."

Source: ProPublica, 04/27/2023


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