Energy & Fuel

"E.P.A. Approves Use of More Ethanol in Gasoline"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said on Friday that cars and light trucks from the 2001 model year onward can safely use a blend of 15 percent ethanol mixed with gasoline, up from the 10 percent standard now in effect in much of the country. The decision expands the pool of vehicles that could use such a fuel to about 62 percent of the total on the roads."

Source: NY Times, 01/24/2011
May 14, 2011 to May 18, 2011

2nd International Marine Conservation Congress

IMCC2 is a meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology's marine section that attracts ocean scientists, managers, policymakers, and communities from around the world. More than 1,200 people attended IMCC1 in May 2009 in Washington, DC. This year, the theme is "Making Marine Science Matter.”

April 27, 2011

Minority-Serving Institutions Alternative Energy Conference

The purpose of this conference, sponsored by the US Department of Energy in Washington, DC, is to establish a Minority-Serving Institutions Consortium on Alternative Energy.



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