
22ava Conferencia Anual de SEJ en Lubbock, Texas, Oct. 17-21, 2012

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones a la conferencia de SEJ de 2012. No espere. Inscríbase ya para escoger entre los siempre populares tours, el excelente taller para escritores freelance, y otros eventos de asistencia limitada. Nuestro anfitrión este año es Texas Tech University, y el director de la conferencia es Randy Lee Loftis, veterano escritor del diario Dallas Morning News. Lea el borrador de la agenda, las opciones de alojamiento y transporte, halle con quién compartir la habitación, y más. © Foto: Palo Duro Canyon State Park (apodado “el Gran Cañón de Texas”, y lugar del Tour 6 del jueves), cortesía de Earl Nottingham/Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.


"Vast Defenses Now Shielding New Orleans"

"NEW ORLEANS — Finally, there is a wall around this city. Nearly seven years after flood waters from Hurricane Katrina gushed over New Orleans, $14.5 billion worth of civil works designed to block such surges is now in place — a 133-mile chain of levees, flood walls, gates and pumps too vast to take in at once, except perhaps from space."

Source: NY Times, 06/15/2012

Manifiesto de la REMPA por Asesinatos de Periodistas Mexicanos

Ante el aumento de asesinatos y desaparicion de periodistas en México, la Red Mexicana de Periodistas Ambientales agradece a la hermanada asociación profesional, Sociedad de Periodistas Ambientales, su publicación de las exigencias que hemos consensado para lograr las garantia de la libertad de expresión. Gracias por su solidaridad.


"Japan Moves Closer To Restarting 1st Nuclear Reactors Since Tsunami"

"TOKYO — Japan is on the verge of returning to atomic power after a local mayor on Thursday gave his approval to restart a pair of reactors, idled in the wake of last year's nuclear accident.

The nuclear restart could come as soon as this weekend, Japanese media reported. It would mark a controversial victory for the central government, which has spent months arguing that Japan needs nuclear power to sustain its fragile economy.

Source: Wash Post, 06/14/2012

E-Mail Disclosure Could Play Role in BP Gulf Spill Case

A federal judge has denied BP's bid to see 21 e-mails and other documents sent between the White House and other federal agencies. More chilling, perhaps, was BP's effort to get e-mails sent by two private-sector scientists in an apparent effort to discredit their work.

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"North Florida Soaked by Weekend Rain -- With More To Come"

"Layered on top of heavy rains dumped by Tropical Storm Beryl, a stalled front and normal summer weather patterns have drenched North Florida, causing serious flooding in Escambia County, spawning a tornado in Santa Rosa and washing out the weekend for residents on the First Coast."

Source: Jacksonville Times-Union, 06/11/2012


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