
"Plaquemines Parish Rejects BP Settlement Offer as Too Small"

"Plaquemines Parish has turned down a settlement offer from BP to pay for damages caused during the Deepwater Horizon disaster and oil spill because it was too small to compensate for the losses, two lawyers representing the parish in settlement talks said Monday (July 13)."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 07/16/2015

"Enbridge Slammed for Information Gaps in Straits Oil Pipeline Report"

"Assurances from Enbridge Energy that the company's twin oil pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac are in 'excellent' condition and pose 'minimal' risks of a spill are not enough to resolve existing public concerns about the line's potential threat to the Great Lakes and Michigan's economy."

Source: MLive, 07/15/2015


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