
Kasich Signs Law Recognizing Firefighter Cancer As On-The-Job Illness

"Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday signed a law inspired by a Beachwood fire captain, which will make it easier for firefighters to get worker's compensation and pension benefits when they are diagnosed with cancer."

Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer, 01/05/2017

EPA Issues Controversial Rule To Improve Safety At Chemical Facilities

"More than three years after an official prompt from the President, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has finalized a long-awaited rule aimed at preventing disasters like the 2010 refinery explosion that killed seven workers in Anacortes, Washington."

Source: Ctr for Public Integrity, 12/23/2016

"Emergency Managers, City Officials Charged In Flint Water Crisis"

"Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette's criminal investigation of the Flint water crisis moved a step closer to the highest levels of state government Tuesday as he brought felony charges against two former emergency managers who reported to former Treasurer Andy Dillon and were appointed by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 12/21/2016


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