
Hazardous Sites Near You? There’s a Database for That!

The best public database of the risk management plans for many major hazardous sites has now been restored. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on government tracking of hazardous chemical facilities, an example of how the database was mined for some stellar reporting, and ideas for smart use of this powerful tool.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"'Nightmare' Yurok Salmon Fishery Collapse"

"The number of Chinook salmon predicted to return to the Klamath River on the California-Oregon border this fall fishing season is around 11,000 fish. That is the lowest number in recorded history. Coho salmon is already listed under the Endangered Species Act in California and Oregon."

Source: Indian Country Today, 04/03/2017

With NOAA Cuts, Will Trump Starve Climate Messenger?

Proposed budget reductions for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration could undermine the work of agencies as varied as National Weather Service and Sea Grant, as well as a satellite network informing much climate research. The latest TipSheet outlines NOAA stories that may emerge ... or vanish.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump's Proposal To Scrap Chemical Safety Board Draws Criticism"

"President Donald Trump's proposal to do away with the federal agency that investigates chemical accidents drew sharp criticism from environmental, labor and safety advocates, who said that eliminating the watchdog would put American lives at risk."

Source: Reuters, 03/17/2017


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