
Harvey Uncovers Flood Insurance Dilemma

Disaster cleanup from Hurricane Harvey is now bound up in Washington's brewing budget-related brouhaha, as Congress tries to fix the National Flood Insurance Program before authorization runs out at the end of September. The latest TipSheet explains, plus offers ideas and resources for localizing flood insurance stories.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Harvey Won’t Make Congress More Likely To Fix Flood Insurance Mess

"Hurricane Harvey is sure to add more crushing debt to the National Flood Insurance Program, which is already $25 billion in the red. So when Congress resumes on Tuesday, will it immediately act to fix this troubled program? Don’t count on it."

Source: McClatchy, 09/04/2017

Texas GOPers Helped Arkema Lobby Against Safety Rules

"The French company that says its Houston-area chemical plant is spewing "noxious" smoke — and may explode — successfully pressed federal regulators to delay new regulations designed to improve safety procedures at chemical plants, according to federal records reviewed by International Business Times."

Source: International Business Times, 09/04/2017


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