
"It Is a Time to Talk About Climate Change"

"In an interview with CNN on Thursday, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said that now is not the time to talk about climate change. ... In the interest of minimizing harm to people, it’s always an important time to talk about climate change. We don’t have to choose between helping current victims and working to prevent the next tragedy."

Source: Atlantic, 09/12/2017

After Harvey, Critics See Big Money Behind Lax Petrochemical Reporting

"In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, an exploding chemical plant and spikes in cancer-causing emissions are highlighting how little the public knows about potential dangers from the oil and chemical industries. Critics say one reason for the darkness: tons of campaign money."

Source: Texas Tribune, 09/12/2017

"Houston’s Floodwaters Are Tainted With Toxins, Testing Shows"

"Floodwaters in two Houston neighborhoods have been contaminated with bacteria and toxins that can make people sick, testing organized by The New York Times has found. Residents will need to take precautions to return safely to their homes, public health experts said."

Source: NY Times, 09/12/2017

"How Hurricanes And Sea-Level Rise Threaten Trump's Florida Resorts"

"Mar-a-Lago. Trump National Doral Miami. Trump Palace. Trump Royale. Trump International Beach Resort Miami. Trump Hollywood. These Trump-owned or Trump-branded properties are in south Florida, in the path of Hurricane Irma. All are exalted by the Trump Organization and by the president himself. All could be underwater by the end of the century."

Source: Guardian, 09/11/2017

9/11 Responders Who Became Ill From Toxic Exposure Now Have A Monument

"Commemorations for the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks began in New York late last week as they have for multiple years, with twin beams of light piercing the night sky, a tribute to those lost in the World Trade Center that could be seen across the region."

Source: LA Times, 09/11/2017

‘The Lungs of Our Region Are on Fire:’ Wildfires Exact a Punishing Toll

"For much of this week and last, devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey in Houston and Hurricane Irma in the Caribbean has grabbed front-page headlines. But wildfires in the West have been wreaking destruction of their own, though it has attracted less attention. Vast swaths of land have burned, choking the air with ash and smoke."

Source: NY Times, 09/11/2017


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