
Stop Playing 'Whack-A-Mole' With Toxic Flame Retardants, Enviros Urge

"As the public has learned of health risks tied to chemicals in everyday products, many companies have responded by eliminating, one by one, the suspected cancer causers, brain damagers and hormone disruptors. But even prompt action doesn't entirely appease some health experts, who warn of a problematic pattern."

Source: Huffington Post, 04/02/2015

"State Sues Gallo Over Hazardous Dust Used To Make Wine Bottles"

"The California Department of Toxic Substances Control has sued Ernest and Julio Gallo's glass production plant in Modesto. Keith Kihara with the state says the company improperly stored, then improperly recycled oil and hazardous dust -containing lead, arsenic, cadmium and selenium from 2009 -to- last year."

Source: Capitol Public Radio, 03/04/2015

"Lower Oil Prices Provide Benefits to U.S. Workers"

"Wall Street may be growing anxious about the negative impact of falling oil prices on energy producers, but the steep declines of recent weeks are delivering substantial benefits to American working-class families and retirees who have largely missed out on the fruits of the five-and-a-half-year economic recovery."

Source: NY Times, 01/19/2015


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