Climate Change

Navajo Sheep Herding At Risk From Climate Change. Youth Maintain Tradition

"WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. — Whenever Amy Begaye’s extended family butchered a sheep, she was given what she considered easy tasks — holding the legs and catching the blood with a bowl. She was never given the knife. That changed recently."

Source: AP, 10/31/2023

Here Are Costly Options To Fix New Orleans Saltwater Intrusion For Good

"Thanks to a changing climate and a deeper navigation channel in the Mississippi River, the saltwater intrusion that has threatened New Orleans area drinking water supplies this year is expected to become more frequent. The scale of the crisis has sparked calls for a permanent solution. While there is no shortage of ideas, they all come with a huge price and no certainty about who will pay for them."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 10/31/2023

"Dramatic Plan To Expand Flood Areas Could Force Millions To Buy Insurance"

"It’s a glaring weak spot in climate protection: Millions of U.S. residents don’t have flood insurance and face financial ruin if their home is inundated. But the nation’s insurance gap would shrink under a dramatic proposal that could require millions of property owners to buy flood coverage for the first time, potentially costing them thousands of dollars a year."

Source: E&E News, 10/31/2023

"Global Discord Threatens COP28 Climate Talks, EU Commissioner Says"

"The need for agreement to tackle global warming is "higher than ever", but it has never been harder as the geopolitical backdrop complicates international cooperation, the European Union's climate chief said on Monday ahead of next month's COP28 summit."

Source: Reuters, 10/31/2023

"For New Zealand’s Maori Communities, Climate Change Is Already Hurting"

"TANGOIO, New Zealand — The wharenui, or meeting house, stood forlorn. Usually the hub of this remote Maori community, it had been stripped of its wooden carvings. The bare cinder block shell gave the building an unclothed appearance. Wind whistled through holes bashed out by floodwaters."

Source: Washington Post, 10/30/2023


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