Climate Change

"Top Climate Change Expert Hopes Science Got It Wrong"

"Germany's top climate researcher says he hopes he and his fellow scientists around the world have got it all wrong about global warming. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, told Reuters he gets no pleasure at all in being a prophet of doom and hopes he and his colleagues have overlooked effects that could still arrest climate change."

Source: Reuters, 12/04/2009

UN Credentialing Limits Reporters' Access to Copenhagen Talks

Non-profit media, online media, freelancers, student journalists, and even some mainstream media are having trouble getting credentials to cover the climate treaty talks in Copenhagen Dec. 7-18, 2009. While one root of the problem may be capacity of the building, a key issue is whether non-profits, bloggers, and freelancers are truly legitimate media.

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