Climate Change

SEJ Member Spotlight: Jacob Park

Jacob Park, associate professor of Business Strategy and Sustainability at Green Mountain College in Vermont, researches the complex relationship between business and global environmental issues. He writes for the "Sustainable Planet" column of OurWorld 2.0, published by the UN University in Tokyo. Jacob welcomes questions and comments from the SEJ community on his multi-year project exploring social and environmental innovation and entrepreneurship in emerging economies.


"Climate Change Threatens Power Output, Study Says"

"As the climate gets warmer, so do the rivers and lakes that power plants draw their cooling water from. And that is going to make it harder to generate electricity in decades to come, researchers report."

"In an article in the journal Nature Climate Change, scientists measured temperatures now and projected what they would be at midcentury. The temperatures vary according to the time of year, and, even if the extremes remain similar, they will be more frequent -- meaning that the water will be too warm to allow full power production, they predict.

Source: NY Times, 06/05/2012


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