Climate Change

January 28, 2013

Fishing for Families: Reporting on Population, Environment, and Food Security in the Philippines

In the PBS NewsHour/Marketplace co-production “Food for Nine Billion: Turning the Population Tide in the Philippines,” reporter Sam Eaton of Homeland Productions visits the Philippines’ Danajon double barrier reef to document efforts to increase food security by protecting marine biodiversity and providing family planning to the communities that depend on fish for their survival. Eco-Business Assistant Editor Imelda Abano, president of the Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists and board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, will discuss the challenges of reporting on the interconnections between environment, health, and food security in her country. Live in Washington, DC, or via webcast.


"Congressional Democrats Form Climate Change Task Force"

"WASHINGTON -- Climate change is getting renewed attention in Congress. Representative Henry Waxman of California and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, both Democrats, today announced the formation of a Task Force on Climate Change that will be active in both the House and the Senate."

Source: ENS, 01/25/2013

"Sierra Club To Engage in Civil Disobedience for First Time"

"How hot is the controversial Keystone Pipeline controversy getting? The Sierra Club is — for the first time in its history — going to engage in civil disobedience on Feb. 17 in Washington, D.C., which is also a day that greenies predict will be 'the largest climate rally in history.'"

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 01/24/2013

"After Failed Climate Coverage, CNN Reports Americans Don't Understand Climate Change"

"Promoting a recent poll, CNN is treating climate change as a matter of opinion, saying Americans are divided over whether or not it is real. But the network itself has fueled such confusion, often failing to report that manmade emissions are driving climate change or giving credence to those who deny the science behind it."

Source: Media Matters, 01/24/2013


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