Climate Change

"NY-Based InsideClimate News Wins Pulitzer"

The 2013 Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting went to InsideClimate News, a 5-year-old web-only nonprofit, for its book-length feature series on the 2010 Enbridge tar-sands oil spill that fouled miles of Michigan's Kalamazoo River. InsideClimate has been one of the most aggressive media outlets covering the current spill in Mayflower, Arkansas. ExxonMobil recently threatened one of InsideClimate's reporters with arrest for trying to find a federal government press office handling the spill.

Source: AP, 04/16/2013

"Warm Ocean Waters Worry Maine Lobstermen, Industry"

"PORTLAND, Maine -- Ocean temperatures have been higher than normal in the Gulf of Maine, creating worries among lobstermen that there could be a repeat of last spring's early harvest that resulted in a market glut, a crash in the prices fishermen get and a blockade of Maine-caught lobsters in Canada."

Source: AP, 04/15/2013

Critics Say Climate Change Is Worsening U.S. Drought -- Slam NOAA Report

"NOAA has issued a report on a small part of the recent brutal droughts that have hit the United States over the past few years. The report — 'An Interpretation of the Origins of the 2012 Central Great Plains Drought' — is needlessly confusing, scientifically problematic, and already leading to misleading headlines."

Source: Climate Progress, 04/15/2013


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