"Bees Exposed To High Levels of Pesticides Suspected in Colony Collapse"
"Pesticides sprayed on crops could be making honey bees susceptible to a fatal parasite and contributing to recent declines in bee populations, according to a study."
"Pesticides sprayed on crops could be making honey bees susceptible to a fatal parasite and contributing to recent declines in bee populations, according to a study."
"Advocates for farmworkers, especially those who grow America's leafy greens and fresh vegetables, are pushing the government to do more to protect those workers from exposure to pesticides."
"TUSCOLA, Ill. -- In years past, Brian Moody's efforts to bring economic development to his small Illinois town focused on modest projects: merging an old hardware store whose owner was retiring with another shop to preserve 30 jobs or pointing artists to a vacant downtown building."
"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Indian authorities on Wednesday were trying to determine how food served as part of a free school lunch program got tainted with insecticide, leading to the deaths of at least 22 children and the hospitalization of more than two dozen others."
"Scientists and lawyers are scheduled to debate the safety of certain 'BPA-free' plastics this week in a U.S. District Court in Austin, Texas."
"Levels of manganese, a neurotoxin, in the cove and in a nearby creek were 10, 20 or nearly 30 times above the EPA's safety standard for tap water."
"The Obama administration’s lack of action to impose recommended changes to make refineries, chemical factories and sugar plants safer is set to get a public rebuke from the U.S. Chemical Safety Board."
"The Food and Drug Administration has agreed to ban the use of a chemical linked to health problems in infant formula packaging."
"WASHINGTON -- Nearly two years after an outcry about arsenic in apple juice touched off by a segment on 'The Dr. Oz Show,' the federal Food and Drug Administration is proposing a new limit on acceptable levels."
"Days after environmental watchdog group Center for Environmental Health cried foul on the levels of a controversial caramel coloring in Pepsi, soda giant PepsiCo announced its intention to phase out the ingredient nationwide by February 2014."