
"Administration Takes Steps to Aid Bees"

"The White House announced new initiatives on Friday to promote the health of honeybees and other pollinators, which have suffered enormous losses in recent years. The memorandum, signed by President Obama, called for research into the causes of the severe decline and the role of pesticides, and formed a 'pollinator health task force' of more than 14 federal agencies, saying, 'It is critical to expand federal efforts and take new steps to reverse pollinator losses and help restore populations to healthy levels.'"

Source: NY Times, 06/23/2014

"44 Toxic Chemicals Used in Local Oil And Gas Operations, Report Says"

"For the past year local air regulators have been tracking the chemicals companies use in oil and gas exploration around Southern California. In a report released Wednesday, four environmental groups crunched the tracking reports to find that more than 40 toxic chemicals have been used in dozens of drilling operations, often near homes, schools, and hospitals."

Source: KPCC, 06/12/2014


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