
"Judge Blocks a Local Pesticide Law in Hawaii"

"The law, Ordinance 960, which was enacted last year, bitterly divided the normally idyllic island and also captured global attention. Hawaii’s year-round growing season had made the state a hub for the development of genetically engineered corn seeds that are then planted throughout the United States and in other countries. Corn stalks now sprout where pineapples and sugar cane once grew."

Source: NY Times, 08/26/2014

Part 2 of Contamination Study Show Deadly Levels in St. Louis Robins

"Michigan State University environmental toxicology professor Matt Zwiernik presented part two of the results from the 2013 dead bird collection in St. Louis to the Pine River Superfund Taskforce Wednesday. Zwiernik’s team monitored 60 active nests not only in the nine-block residential area surrounding the former Velsicol plant site but also 15 kilometers downstream. As was the case with the first batch of results, American robins eggs collected contained DDx levels far above those found to induce death in laboratory settings."

Source: Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun, 08/22/2014

"EPA to Require Air Pollution Measurements in Black Communities"

"WASHINGTON -- For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency may require oil refineries to regularly measure the air quality at their perimeters. These fence line measurements will give surrounding communities – largely low-income communities of color – data on the level of pollution they are exposed to each day."

Source: NNPA, 08/20/2014

U.S. Agency: West Virginia DHHR Can’t Handle Chemical Incidents

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The state Department of Health and Human Resources lacks a program and properly trained staff to assess community-wide chemical exposures like those that followed the Elk River chemical leak in January, federal public health officials said in a new review made public Tuesday."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 08/20/2014

"U.S. Completes Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons At Sea"

"THE HAGUE, The Netherlands – All 581 metric tonnes of a precursor chemical for sarin gas that were removed from the Syrian Arab Republic and loaded onto the U.S. Maritime Vessel Cape Ray in early July, have been destroyed with neutralization technology aboard the ship while sailing in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea."

Source: ENS, 08/19/2014

NJ: "DuPont Wants Pompton Lakes Cleanup Eased"

"DuPont wants to clean up its former Pompton Lakes munitions plant — contaminated with a litany of elements that can cause cancer and other illnesses — using far weaker standards than the state usually requires, a strategy that echoes prior attempts by polluters to push for less extensive cleanups at other sites in North Jersey."

Source: Bergen Record, 08/18/2014


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