"Ozone-Destroying Chemical Making Comeback, Scientists Find"
"An ozone-destroying chemical long thought to be on the decline in Earth’s upper atmosphere is making an unexpected comeback, an international team of scientists has found."
"An ozone-destroying chemical long thought to be on the decline in Earth’s upper atmosphere is making an unexpected comeback, an international team of scientists has found."
"Veterans who were exposed to toxic contaminants during their service are increasingly becoming casualties in a war with the government -- particularly the Veterans Affairs Department—which they say has a record of delaying and denying benefits promised to them by acts of Congress."
"Minnesota regulators, for the first time, are considering banning or restricting a controversial class of insecticides that have been linked to honeybee deaths."
"Boys exposed in the womb to high levels of a chemical found in vinyl products are born with slightly altered genital development, according to research published today."
"Thirty years after the world’s most dangerous chemical plant disaster, we’re not much safer."
There is strong evidence that the Assad regime in Syria is using chlorine gas -- commonly found in U.S. industrial operations -- as a chemical weapon against its own people.
"A coalition of U.S. farmer and environmental groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday seeking to overturn regulatory approval granted last week for an herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to remove 72 chemicals form the list of substances that can be used as ingredients in pesticides."
"A coalition of U.S. farmer and environmental groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday seeking to overturn regulatory approval granted last week for an herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences."
"As the Tomblin administration considers a plan to allow natural gas drilling under the Ohio River, a major chemical maker in Marshall County has been fighting a proposal for hydraulic fracturing near its plant, citing a 'near-catastrophic' gas-well incident last year that might be linked to geologic conditions beneath the river."