
"Exide Cleanup: Toxic Lead Removal Could Be California's Biggest Yet"

"The task of removing lead-contaminated soil from thousands of homes near a closed Vernon battery recycling plant would be the largest cleanup of its kind in California and rank among the biggest conducted nationwide, say environmental officials and experts in toxic remediation."

Source: LA Times, 08/19/2015

China Clamps Down on Media Coverage of Tianjin Explosion

Chinese authorities have told news media not to report independently on the hazardous chemical explosion that killed more than a hundred people in Tianjin. No live broadcasting, interpretation, or social media reporting is allowed. Only state-controlled media can be used. Many of the dead were firefighters, who may not have known the hazard they were confronting. There are signs that the Chinese government has been suppressing information about firefighter deaths.

Source: NPR, 08/19/2015

"The Teflon Toxin: The Case Against DuPont"

DuPont, a major U.S. chemical company, for years hid what it knew about the threats to employees and neighbors from a chemical -- perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA or C8 -- that can cause cancer and other health damage. The PFOA was used in operations of DuPont's Washington Works plant in Parkersburg, WV. Its health damage was the focus of a major class-action lawsuit.

Source: The Intercept, 08/18/2015

"Firms To Pay $14.3M To Clean Up Central Chemical Site in Hagerstown"

"Sixteen companies have reached a $14.3 million settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the state of Maryland to stabilize and cap waste and contaminated soil at the Central Chemical Superfund site in Hagerstown, the agency announced Monday."

Source: Hagerstown Herald-Mail, 08/18/2015


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