Economy & Business

"Feds Offer $700M To Lithium Project At Heart of ESA Dispute"

"The Biden administration on Friday offered its first loan commitment for a lithium processing plant, backing a facility in southwest Nevada that would provide the highly sought mineral needed for EV batteries but that some environmentalists contend will further threaten an endangered flower."

Source: E&E News, 01/17/2023

The New Soldiers in Propane’s Fight Against Climate Action: TV Stars

"For D.I.Y. enthusiasts, Matt Blashaw is a familiar face, judging bathroom remodels or planning surprise home makeovers on popular cable television shows. Mr. Blashaw also has an unusually strong opinion about how Americans should heat their homes: by burning propane, or liquid petroleum gas."

Source: NYTimes, 01/11/2023

Water-Sharing in the West: An Urgent and Complicated Environmental Story

Water has always been a precious commodity in the western states. Now, with rapid population growth and a drying climate, the way this resource is shared and distributed is becoming more contentious across the region. Freelance journalist Jennifer Oldham talks about the tensions between supply and demand and how to drill down into water rights laws and policies.

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