Economy & Business

"Trump Administration’s Push for Gas Exports Faces Market Glut"

"The Trump administration is moving to make the United States the world’s leading exporter of natural gas as a central component of both energy and trade policy. But whether global markets, currently awash with gas, will play along remains a long shot over the next several years."

Source: NY Times, 05/01/2017

"Law: Many Recusals For Acting Chief of DOJ Environment Section"

"Jeffrey Wood, the acting head of the Justice Department's environmental branch, is having to step aside from dozens of cases facing the government, both because of his past work for an Alabama law firm and Trump administration ethics restrictions, newly released documents show."

Source: Greenwire, 04/26/2017

"Trump’s Policies Are Already Making Workplaces More Toxic"

"The 'wellbeing of America and the American worker is my North Star,' President Donald Trump trumpeted at a recent White House event. But the Trump administration’s policies are already adversely affecting workers’ health by undermining occupational illness prevention — including for cancers, musculoskeletal disorders and respiratory diseases that afflict hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers."

Source: In These Times, 04/13/2017

"Nuclear Plant Owners Expand Search For Rescue To More States"

"The natural gas boom that has hammered coal mines and driven down utility bills is hitting nuclear power plants, sending multi-billion-dollar energy companies in search of a financial rescue in states where competitive electricity markets have compounded the effect."

Source: AP, 04/11/2017


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